- Goa Amchem Big City Band Lyrics Mp3
- Goa Amchem Big City Band Lyrics Song
- Goa Amchem Big City Band Lyrics Chords
Manic Street Preachers are a Welsh rock band formed in Blackwood in 1986. The band consists of cousins James Dean Bradfield (lead vocals, lead guitar) and Sean Moore (drums, percussion, soundscapes), plus Nicky Wire (bass guitar, lyrics). They are often colloquially known as 'the Manics'. They form a key part of the 1990s Welsh Cool Cymru cultural movement. Lyrics: C.Alvares. Music: Frank Fernandes Chorus: Claudia Mogachea, urbeborit jiv assa mozo, Claudia niz mojea, dolleamcher xapla rupkar tuzo Claudia kallzant yea, mogacho petton assa uzo, Claudia poi anjea, mog amcho mataro zai nezo, Verse 1: Moipassan, nivta tan, jivit amchem nhoim ek sopon Bhurgim tan, sangatan, balo don kallzant assa topon. Lyrics for Goa Amchem by The Big City Band. Lyrics for Goa Amchem by The Big City Band. Type song title, artist or lyrics. Be the first to add the lyrics and earn. A D E Dm F# Chords for Ho Mando Goencho (Goan Konkani Song w/English translatn.) Big City Band with capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin.
1. Proud to be a Goan By Basilio Magnowww.mahableshwar.com/goa/music - [Cached]
Published on: 12/29/2007 Last Visited: 12/29/2007
- Words and Music by Basilio Magno
Without thinking of difficulties inherent in the task Basilio agreed, for there is nothing that he will not do for Goa culturally. He has many songs on Goa in English, and this will be another one, he thought.
But he soon realized that it was a hard nut to crack. What is one to say of an international Goa Day lyrically ? What would he title the song ? After wrecking his brains for ten days, he hit on a title: 'Proud to be a Goan'. And immediately composed the Refrain. But inventing a story for the two verses was no easy game. Added to it the short time he had do it. But with prayer and fortitude he plodded for 15 days jotting down random thoughts to build the lyrics. He has well plotted the words giving enough reason to be proud of as a Goan. And he ends the Refrain with a phrase that will be long remembered by Goans: 'I'm proud to be a Goan, I love my xitt-koddi and Konkanni.'
Songwriter Basilio Magno is well known for his 'royal' songs for the King of Spain and Princess Diana, but his fame began way back in the fifties in Bombay where he had composed and published songs in English and they were reviewed by the English press in the city. He had come to the attention of the critics with his song for Princess Margaret of England in 1956, and for this and some other songs of his the music critics had dubbed him as the 'Irving Berlin of India'. He has to his credit a 40 minutes folk-operetta 'A Day in Goa' whose Konkani version was broadcast on Goa Radio by the Radio artistes in 1959. He is the premier writer of Goan Folksongs in English way back in the fifties. He has published both these works in booklets with words and music and they were reviewed in GOA TODAY magazine in the seventies. He inherited the musical talent from his father, an accounts-man, who was a hobby violinist and had played the violin for the Bombay Symphonic orchestra. Consequently, Konkani songs were taboo in his home. When Goa's Governor General Vassalo e Silva, learnt of him in 1959, he sent him to Portugal in March 1961 to promote himself. From there he went to Germany, and retiring there in 1989 has settled down in Spain, where he is heard daily since Sept. 1997 on Radio M80 Madrid and its 36 channels in Spain singing his song 'Viva el Rey' for the King of Spain, it having been adopted as the signature tune for national newscast on its Programme ' Goma Espuma'. It is indeed a feather in Basilio's cap, to the envy of many Spanish composers. Of that singular success too Goans can be proud and sing aloud : 'Proud to be a Goan'.
Selected Spaniards are treated daily to a Goan composer-singer Basilio Magno singing on radio Viva el Rey, which has been made the signature tune of the national newscast of Radio M-80, in Madrid. The announcement of the adoption of Magno's song as signature tune was made during the programme Goma Espuma. The song was originally published in 1991 in Spanish only and an English version was brought out last year. It was this year, when he brought out a cassette, Choicest Blessings, wishing the Spanish Princess on her wedding, that he recorded this song on the flip side and had the cassette sent to various radio and TV stations in Spain. One station, M-80 responded by selecting Viva el Rey as a signature tune and interviewed him live on the show. Magno also exhibited his ghumot on Spanish TV when during an interview on Television Axarquia, he sang three Konkani songs, accompanying himself on the ghumot. (Goa Today issue of December 1997)
Download the Song in MP3 format
1.First download and unzip the file. 2.To Listen to MP3 song files you can download the MP3 sound player from WINAMP. Click Here !
Proud to be a Goan - Words and Music by Basilio Magno 2. uly334.brinkster.net
uly334.brinkster.net/goa/bonde - [Cached]
Published on: 11/27/2007 Last Visited: 11/27/2007
Also on this occasion the WORLD-GOADAY a Song specially composed by Mr. Basilio Magno, based in Spain was aired.
The Goa Day song specially composed by Mr. Basilio Magno (based in Spain) will be played by a brass band.
The idea of combining the San Mathias' Bonderam went down a treat and specially the release of the theme song 'Proud to be a Goan' of Basilio Magno at the Festival of Harvest.
Concluding the function the special song for the world wide Goa Day celebrations Proud to be Goan composed by the famed Goan song writer Basilio Magno, residing in Spain, was sung by Mr and Mrs. Tony Menezes and their troupe.
'Proud to be a Goan,' a theme Basilio Magno always wanted to propagate to the younger generation, who very often are shy to say, `I am a Goan'.
It is a privilege that the musically-rich Sao Mathias community will be able to perform the composition of Basilio Magno, during the St Mathias' Bonderam festival on August 20. 3. www.goaday.com
www.goaday.com/archives.php?PH - [Cached]
Published on: 9/1/2003 Last Visited: 5/6/2007
WORLD GOA DAY HAS COME TO STAY by Basilio Magno (Spain) The World Goa Day celebrations going in its sixth year on 20 August 2005 is a social triumph for the Goan cummuni- ties the world over.
To make this a memorable day, a special song (end of this story) has been composed by famed Goan songwriter Basilio Magno, residing in Spain. Basilio who is still recovering from his long illness, was determined to produce something worthwhile.
My World Goa Day 2004 message: Learning Konkani - The Debt We OweTo Mother Goa by Basilio Magno (Spain) The best thing that has happened to the Goan community since the celebration of the annual feast of St. Francis Xavier, is the founding of the World Goa Day in the year 2000.
Olavo Rodrigues, presidente Translation ------------- GREETINGS The Cultural and Welfare Indo-Portuguese Association (ARCIP - Associação Recreativa e Cultural Indo-Portuguesa), with headquarters in Odivelas, Portugal, greets all Goans in this day and, especially, Rene Barreto, founder, and Basilio Magno, composer of the hymn PROUD TO BE A GOAN, with best wishes for a greater unity around our identity and around Goa.
Mário Viegas, editor , Cultural Indo-Portuguesa (ARCIP) Odivelas (Portugal), Translation -------------- GREETINGS The VOZ DO ORIENTE magazine, the voice from the Cultural and Welfare Indo-Portuguese Association (ARCIP - Associação Recreativa e Cultural Indo-Portuguesa), with headquarters in Odivelas, Portugal, conveys to all Goans resident in Goa and spread throughout the world, in this especial day, best wishes for our unity and defense of our values and our identity, not forgetting to congratulate the father of GOA DAY Rene Barreto and the composer of the hymn PROUD TO BE A GOAN, Basilio Magno.
Basilio, a long-time journalist , was used to meeting Press deadlines. He remembered of the idea he had of composing a song for Goan children to make them feel proud of Goa. With that on mind he hit on the title: 'Proud to be a Goan', which has become a slogan.
Basilio decided to produce a new version for the year 2004. He knows well that only a fool would think he could please everybody. He hopes it will satisfy most Goans. In this song sheet is the new version for you to sing for WGD 2004. Attention must be paid, says Basilio, to the Konkani Refrain, which must be sung following the English one, and repeated if desired for better effect. 'And it should not be forgotten,' says Basilio, 'that World Goa Day was created to honour the Konkani language; you can do it only by learning it and speaking it in public.' To make the song more personal, the title has been changed to I'm Proud To Be Goan I'M PROUD TO BE GOAN words and music by Basilio Magno 1º Verse Goa is a dot on the big map of the world, But it's a Paradise in great India.
17-08-03 BASILIO MAGNO (Spain)
Proud to be a Goan - Words and Music by Basilio Magno About the Song and the Songwriter When Rene Barreto woke up with the idea of holding a GOA DAY internationally as part of his long cherished dream of linking Goans wherever they may be, he contacted the leading Goans the world over to explain the idea. Likewise, he contacted Basilio Magno on 15th June 2000 through the e-mail to request him to compose a song for Goa Day to be celebrated by Goans globally.
Songwriter Basilio Magno is well known for his 'royal' songs for the King of Spain and Princess Diana, but his fame began way back in the fifties in Bombay where he had composed and published songs in English and they were reviewed by the English press in the city. He had come to the attention of the critics with his song for Princess Margaret of England in 1956, and for this and some other songs of his the music critics had dubbed him as the 'Irving Berlin of India'. He has to his credit a 40 minutes folk-operetta 'A Day in Goa' whose Konkani version was broadcast on Goa Radio by the Radio artistes in 1959. He is the premier writer of Goan Folksongs in English way back in the fifties. He has published both these works in booklets with words and music and they were reviewed in GOA TODAY magazine in the seventies. He inherited the musical talent from his father, an accounts-man, who was a hobby violinist and had played the violin for the Bombay Symphonic orchestra. Consequently, Konkani songs were taboo in his home.
Selected Spaniards are treated daily to a Goan composer-singer Basilio Magno singing on radio Viva el Rey, which has been made the signature tune of the national newscast of Radio M-80, in Madrid.
Magno also exhibited his ghumot on Spanish TV when during an interview on Television Axarquia, he sang three Konkani songs, accompanying himself on the ghumot. (Goa Today issue of December 1997) Download the Song in MP3 format 1.First download and unzip the file. 2. To Listen to MP3 song files you can download the MP3 sound player from WINAMP. Click Here ! Proud to be a Goan - Words and Music by Basilio Magno
At this juncture the song PROUD TO BE A GOAN composed by Mr. Basilio Magno specially for this occasion was sung by Dr. Joseph Coelho another opera singer, accompanied by Mr . Roland D'Souza on the guitar. 4. uly334.brinkster.net
uly334.brinkster.net/goa/music - [Cached]
Published on: 11/27/2007 Last Visited: 11/27/2007
In coordination with Mr. Rene Barreto (UK), Goa-World Team's Gaspar Almeida (Kuwait) did a short online discussion with Mr. Basilio Magno (Spain).
Goa-World (GW): Thank you Mr. Magno for giving us the opportunity to host your composition for the Goa Day and add it to our resources pages on the Goa-World website.
GW: Sir, we know you are a life-time journalist, but as a songwriter, what would you consider your best achievement? BASILIO MAGNO: To be heard singing daily on the Spanish Radio M-80 Madrid and its 36 channels since October 1997 my song for the King of Spain, entitled: 'Viva el Rey' in Spanish and English, to the envy of many Spanish composers who'd vied for the honour. It has been adopted as the signature tune for its national newscast, and is heard every morning from Monday to Friday, except in the month of August, the holiday month here.
BASILIO MAGNO: Yes, I sang it on Radio M'80 and on Televion Axarquia in Spain. It was called 'Choicest Blessings'.
BASILIO MAGNO: 'The Goans, the world over are somewhat richer socio-culturally because of your Website: http//www.goa-world.net - dedicated to Goan arts and culture.
BASILIO MAGNO: I was dubbed that way by Bombay music critics, because I was the only English songwriter and publisher in India. I had in 1956 composed and published my song for Princess Margaret of England, which got the press interested ... for I had published the songs and sent them to the press for review. In those days there was no possibility of making audio cassettes ... only printed music ... only English songs.
Goa Amchem Big City Band Lyrics Mp3
GW: Understand that you have been associated with various Goan Associations in Europe. Could you enlighten us. BASILIO MAGNO: In Germany, I was elected the President for six years consecutively of the Goan Association Germany.
BASILIO MAGNO: Now at 77 years of age, I mean to rest, but I just cannot. Anytime there is something new, I am at it again.
GW: Among the many awards and recognition, what do you cherish the most? BASILIO MAGNO: For an artiste, love and satisfaction derived from the music is the foremost pleasure!
Goa Amchem Big City Band Lyrics Song
BASILIO MAGNO: Those who suffer the most are our wives, who miss our company while we are at some extra curricular socio-cultural activities. My wife is Spanish, and very tolerant knowing that I do things for my country....my state, I may say.
GW: You were sent to Europe on a scholarship - was it fate that kept you in Europe? BASILIO MAGNO: By nationlity I am Portuguese. I came to Portugal in March 1961, sent by the Governor General of Goa as composer for one year on scholarship, but the State was taken over by India before I could return ... I stayed on in Portugal, from there to Germany for 25 years and now in Spain for the past ten years.
GW: You are familiar with many languages as can be ascertained from your songs? BASILIO MAGNO: Yes, I do write in German, Spanish Portuguese and Konkani versions of my songs in English. There again, once I get at the computer, there is no way of stopping me.
Goa Amchem Big City Band Lyrics Chords
GW: Apart from your newly composed 'Proud to be a Goan' song, which are Goan related compositions you have come up with recently: Basilio Magno: The song 'PROUD TO BE A GOAN' is a unique composition dedicated to the Goans worldwide. A milleniun song: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS, and a song (not a hymn) 'LET'S SING AND PRAY FOR BLESSED FR. JOSEPH VAZ....all three sung by me, produced in Spain.GW: What is your message for the Goans worldwide on the occasion of 'Goa Day'? BASILIO MAGNO: On the auspicious day ... GOA DAY celebrations GLOBALLY.... as Proud Goans, let's Sing and Pray for Blessed Joseph Vaz for the benefit of Fr. Joseph Vaz and his Cause!
Basilio Magno's Song & Lyrics 'PROUD TO BE A GOAN'
'Basilio Magno' 5. www.goaday.com
www.goaday.com/msg_contact.php - [Cached]
Published on: 2/18/2006 Last Visited: 5/6/2007
Basilio Magno World Goa Day
World Goa Day Celebrate Goa and Goans